It has been a long time since I blogged. Apparently, life gets in the way. But back to blogging:
Can we please get passed the whole Bradgelina - Jennifer Aniston phase?
B & A say themselves that they don't like the press but then there they are promoting their movies and on every freaking talk show. Enough already! And if you love your kids, why don't you spend some time with them instead of adopting more or looking for more to adopt.
As for Jennifer Aniston, she probably wishes she had never met Brad because of all the press about B & A.
Paris Hilton. Shut up already. You got caught driving DUI. You were told that one of the conditions of your sentence was to not drive. You can afford to take a cab or to even have a hired car - you didn't need to drive yourself. Same goes for Nicole Richie. There are people in the world who are really suffering so we don't need snaps of you bawling because you behaved badly and are receiving the consequences for it. Enough said. move on ....
Lindsay Lohan ... same thing. Take some time off and don't go to the clubs every single night. And wear some underwear.
Britney Spears... the poor kid has 2 kids of her own within 13 months, splits with her husband and then starts to freak out so she has to go to rehab? Give me a break! Take a normal person and they would freak out too ... (ok, they may have not shaved their head) She's been working since she was a child. Maybe she just needs to chill right?
Sopranos - the last season - thank you David Chase for this amazing series! Thank you James Gandolfini for an amazing performance over the past 8 years. I feel sorry that your career will always be shadowed by this character and the brilliant performances you churned out. But thank you just the same. What do I think happened? Nothing. Chase was making a show about a guy living with his wife in New Jersey trying to raise their 2 children who also happened to be part of the mob. So how to end it? Show the family going to a restaurant and having dinner together. How normal is that? Mob wars have been going on for the past century. People get killed but the rest go on and live their lives. It is a piece of life - so it went on the same for Tony and Paulie.
I rented Venus last week with Peter O'Toole. Very charming performance. Lots of f bombs but somehow it sounds better when said with a british accent. It would appear that people don't really change their personality after a certain point they just change physically. Anyways, it is a great renter.
Borat. Hmmm some of it was funny. It was a brilliant parody with all the country logos on it to boot but it was rather vulgar to the point that I thought I don't want to watch anymore. The producer and the bear were very funny.
This is it for now... hopefully it won't be so long next time... have fun